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Here's What You Will Receive:

(Today Only $197)

You will receive DJ's new Canva templates as well as the entire training with step by step instruction on creating your own personal Portfolio of Power. Join those that have already harnessed this powerful framework and take control of your future prosperity. 

  • Extraordinary time management with your very own Daily Schedule Framework.

  • Very simple to use and powerful format for recording and reviewing your blueprint for success in any area of your life.

  • Positive as well as negative inspiration to keep you on track to realizing your goals and aspirations.

  • Accountability to ensure that you are designing your own destiny and no longer living in default.

  • ''I am a planner and DJ's Portfolio of Power is is one of the best tools I have seen in a long time!''

    Billie Short

    ''With the Portfolio of Power I have accomplished more in the past few months than I have in the past five years!''

    Mo Bakk

    ''The Portfolio of Power has given me the gift of added Focus  - Thank You!''

    Gail Boenning

    © The Entrepreneur Mentor 2023 - DJ Ehlert